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the next right thing

Man, the world spins fast and the older I get the truer it becomes that the years are short even when the days are long.

I feel like sometimes we all get so consumed with our to-do lists, our schedules, what needs done or working toward the next goal that we don't stop to enjoy the moment we are in because are constantly thinking about what comes next.

We believe that if we stop nothing will get done and then if nothing gets done then we will be behind and so it's up to us to do, work and control all the things so that we can feel as if we have a handle on this thing called adulting...

Well, I don't know if that will ever be the case.

So, in the meantime we've exhausted ourselves, we deplete our energy and overwhelm our minds.

We put an emphasis on the could, would, and shoulds' that we forget to appreciate what is.

Recently, I've begun to learn how significantly that worry, fear, or anxiety can steal our life, how significantly it can steal our moments.

And it's the moments that make up our lives, it's the moments that give us our memories & let me tell you, I don't want my memories to be the list of things that run through my mind endlessly all day.

So, I want to share with you a phrase that is slowly changing my days...

"What's the next right thing?"

The minute my eyes open and all that needs to be done starts to filter in,

"What's the next right thing?"

I wait and listen for the answer, maybe that's reading 10 pages of a book, maybe that's a meditation or maybe that's making a cup of coffee.

I'm home from work and the dishes are piled up and the laundry needs to be switched over,

"What's the next right thing?"

Sometimes it's the laundry first and then the dishes, others it's a shower and playing with Presley but I'm learning to become open to whatever answer it is I hear.

Sometimes the next right thing isn't what I thought it should be but the thing my soul is begging me to do so that its cup can be rejuvenated.

When we can look at the next right step instead of the entire staircase, we can free ourselves from the heaviness that falls on our shoulders when the list goes on and on and on...

It's a gift that we can give to ourselves so that we can be free of the mental chatter even when it's a persistent little bitch. lol.

It's a breath that we can take to realign ourselves with what is actually meant for us because when we practice taking that pause, we take ourselves out of autopilot and into the present moment.

It's at that moment that things can begin to change.

It's at that moment we slide away from trying to control it all and surrender to what is really meant for us.

We talk a lot about having faith but how often do we practice it?

How often do we ask the question rather than assuming we already know the answer?

This simple act can give us a reprieve from the endless cycle and lead us down a path that may be unfamiliar but feels a lot like coming home...back to ourselves, back to a place of calm...back to a place of truly living and not surviving.

So, "What's the next right thing?"

Ask & be willing to listen.

Be open to whatever answer you hear and then do it...

Ask yourself how you feel afterward and see if it's better than before.

We have the choice of how we live our lives, and we can either miss all the moments of it being focused on what we feel we should do, or we can tune in to what is truly important in that moment.

Doing the next right thing, one moment at a time...


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